Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Pictures

When we went to the ultrasound for these pictures little Brad wasn't going to cooperate.  So this is some of the pictures:
This is our little boy's head. 
His big foot. I feel his kicks all the time.  He is my little soccer player.
 Brad's favorite ultrasound picture so far.

Um..he is a boy.  If you couldn't tell.:)

This is little Bradley.  I love him already.

I think this is me at 20 weeks.  I can't remember.

This is me at 24 weeks.  My hubby loves my belly. 

We are so excitied for this little guy to come into our lives.  He will be spoiled with love and kisses.  The nursery is almost done and I won't post pictures until it is.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

ER Surprise!

So last night I went into the ER again.  I have had pain below my belly button since before I was pregnant.  We went in and they did a blood test, urine, and a pap..and an ultrasound.  I got to see the baby kick, stretch, suck his hand, wave his hand, and I got to see his little peter!  Yep we are having a boy!  I am not 15 weeks along I am actually 17 weeks along!  It was so neat to see the squirming and not feel any of it.  I didn't know it was a boy till the lady put it in an envelope and said,"Wait to open this with your husband."  She thought that she wouldn't be able to tell what we are having but surprise!  There is no doubt that this is a boy!  I would put pictures up of it, but I don't want to you show you his peter!  LOL!  We are naming our boy Bradley Joseph Jr.  after Brad.  He will be born either around or on his birthday and I think it's right.  His little nose is so cute and he looks to have his fathers mouth.  Which means he is going to be loud.  I am going to have to shhs two boys in church not just one.  Anyway we are so excitied!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

First Trimester is OVER!

So this was me at eight weeks pregnant.  I am now 14 weeks pregnant.  We are through the first trimester which to us is great news because instead of having a 50% of miscarrying we now have a 35%.  Still high but better.  I didn't get nauesous during the first trimester, just really tired.  We are so thrilled to be in our second trimester.
This is me now.  No difference.  In fact, to me I look skinner, which makes me wonder if the baby is getting any nutrients.  Of course the only things I am able to eat are potatos, cheese, chicken, fruit and anything I don't know how its cooked.  Red meat like steaks is out of the question because it makes me really nauesous.  I finally can't fit into one of my skirts for church and my pants are barely fitting, which are now unbuckled.  I can't sleep on my tummy anymore.  I am getting really angry and annoyed with everyone and everything.  I threw a plate once, totally necessary.  Poor Brad.  Has to remind himself,"She is pregnant.  She is pregnant. She is pregnant."  I think he has gotten sympathy pains.  He is very emotional..or that could be me being mean and making him that way.  I don't know.  Sex is the last thing on my mind, first is sleep.  Oh and those dreams are really vivid.   We heard the heart beat and saw our baby.  It was amazing. 

  This is our baby. 

This is our crib and it's bedding.  We are doing a jungle theme if it's a boy.  If it's a girl we are doing pink, black, and white.  We got the bedding for free when we bought the crib.  It's so exciting for us. Also besides the baby.  Brad and I are finally getting sealed and will have a professional photographer take our pictures.  I am pretty sure I will fit into my wedding gown still.  We are having me in my gown and Brad in his Marine Uniform Blues and having pictures done.  It's very important to me to get these photos done.  Brad and I did everything right when we got married.  We were going to church, had our temple recommends, but were stopped from getting sealed in the temple because of my last marriage.  I want to be able to show my children how important it was to us to get sealed.  That's this coming Saturday so I will have pictures up of that later.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Really Annoying Man..

I love my job and the people that work there and the customers..most of the time.  Every once in a while though,  we get a customer who complains about every little thing. Then we get customers who are too stupid to work a lamp light(this really did happen).  Recently though, I had a customer who wanted details about every single thing on the hotel.  I have never had a customer like this.  This customer wanted to know details on the Internet, who we went through, was it DSL or cable, where each antenna was exactly, then he moved to the breakfast bar.  I told him everything about it, right down to our sugar packets. By the way our breakfast bar has a lot of stuff so this took several minutes.  I finally realized that no matter what I told this customer that his reservation was already paid for.  I started getting suspicious.  I thought, "This man wants to know all these details so if one tiny thing is wrong he can complain about it and get a discount."  Sure enough that's exactly what he did.   I really hate dishonest people. It just makes me so angry how customers take advantage of businesses.  Maybe this could be the irritability that you get during pregnancy, but I am really starting to get annoyed with some of these dishonest customers. Fortunately when I do get irritated by them I go into "Barbie Happy Mode". Meaning my voice gets higher, I have a perkiness to it. I also just can't keep smiling and moving my hand like the flight attendants, showing idiots how to buckle their seat belts.  Only my coworkers can tell when I am in that mode.  They think it's hilarious because while the customer thinks I am being super nice and perky secretly I want to reach over and grab their nose(a customer did this to me, so creepy).So I am wondering has this ever happen to you?  Have you almost lost your cool with a customer?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Something Strange is happening

So this weekend was probably one of the funniest, laugh to yourself, weekends.  I went to the temple with my parents to do grandmas temple work.  It was neat and I felt love and peace.  Wish my parents lived closer, I would go with them all the time.  Funny thing though, since being pregnant strange things have happen.  My temple dress, when I first got it, fit perfectly.  I had bigger girls on top and a flatter tummy.  Now the weight that was in my girls dropped to my belly.  This happened before I was pregnant.  My temple dress now looks like I have a pregnant belly.  My mom saw this and said, "Look!  You're pregnant belly is starting to show!" "LOL, Mom that is my normal belly.  I am only six weeks."  I couldn't stop laughing.  She felt so bad, but I thought it was a hoot.  After that, Brad and I went to his nephew's baptism.  It was so sweet and I love that little boy.  Brad bore his testimony to him and he started tearing up.  Just to let you know there are only two times I have seen my husband cry.  Neither involved him bearing his testimony.  I have never recalled him even tearing up once in the past while doing it.  So this was new and I was loving it.  Next day at church, he bears it again.  He starts to tear up and I start thinking..is he getting pregnancy sympathy?  LOL!  I'm glad he is feeling the spirit, but I sure do hope it's pregnancy sympathy.  LOL!  What a lovely weekend.

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Little Guasp on the way!

We are finally pregnant!!  We started trying to have kids in February.  I took my tempature every morning and kept track of when I was ovulating.  Problem was was that I wasn't ovulating.  So in October we finally got Clomid.  I thought it would take at least three months for something to happen, but nope, first try!  We are going to have a baby!!  On the day of my period, I took a test and it came out negative.  The next three days my boobs hurt so bad and still no period.  So I took another test in the morning and it was positive!  I told Brad and started crying.  I asked him, while crying, "Now can I buy baby stuff?  I couldn't believe that it happened so quick.  I, myself, have been trying to get pregnant for two years.  1 year 6 months with my ex and 6 months with Brad.  It's a miracle that it happened so quickly.  I see why now that it didn't happen with my ex and it did with my Bradley.  The baby will be due around July 28,2011.  This is truly a blessing in our lives and my families.  In my family the only Grandchildren we have are Jamie's kids.  She has strings attached to those kids.  If you want to see them, get them, love them you have to go through her.  You have to suck up to her and make her happy.  She is a dispicable woman.  She lies, and cheats all the time.  She is not a good mother at all.  I hate her with a fierce passion.  She could have given her children everything, but she is so dang lazy!  It has caused such a heart ache to my mom ,especially.  She barely has anything to do with Jamie anymore.  Her behavior has caused her own son to hate her. Being around her brings a terrible feeling of distrust and hate. Her son ended up moving in with my mom and dad after begging her to let him leave.  He didn't even want to go over to his mom's house for the holidays.  That is what this women has made her self to be in the eyes of her kids.  Our children will have no strings attached!  My family will not have to worry about their health or happiness.  My parents can be who they are suppose to be, grandparents who spoil their grandchildren rotten.  We are so happy to have this child come into our lives.  We are so greatful to Heavely Father for answering our deepest prayer. I am so thankful for my hubby for being so sweet and patient with me throughout this process.  I am thankful for a doctor who knows his stuff!  I am so greatful for friends and family's support. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Meeting Uchtdorf!

So today we went to church and in walks President Uchtdorf!!!  I saw him and I thought,"Sarah, don't blink.  He will disappear if you do!"  He was really in our Saint George College 19th Ward.  It was so neat!  I got to shake his hand twice!  No one knew he was coming, not even the Bishop.  Bishop Caplin asked the two speakers if they could speed their talks.  They did...each gave their testimony which lasted maybe five minutes.  Uchtdorf got up and said,"I will never doubt that a high council can end his talk quickly again."  LOL!  He talked to us about marriage.  How we shouldn't bring our past luggage with us into it.  That we should make our marriage how we expected it to be.  He read D&C 121:41, D&C 12:8.  He said some more and gosh dang me I didn't think to take notes.  All I could think was his talk in Fall.  About how to slow down and enjoy life..at least to me that is what I heard and needed to hear.  All day the ward was talking about him being there.  It was such a blessing to see him there.  I am so thankful for Heavenly Father.  Who truly loves us and gave us a wonderful message their a wonderful man.  Uchtdorf's talks have always been a favorite of mine.  I met him wife too.  She is a lovely woman, with such grace and virtue.  I felt like she was another sister in the ward immediately.  I truly believe that behind every good man there is a great woman.  She was invitied up by him.  He said, "this is my sunshine."  She told us that we need to praise each other every day.  Uchtdorf also mentioned that we need to have character and not be characters.  Meaning act with grace, kindness and intergrity, not with pride and boastfulness.  Just to let you know I am paraphrasing all of this, but I felt such love today.  Before he arrived I was fighting a battle with Satan and while he was there I thought, I am winning.  I am so greatful for this church and nothing not no one will ever take me away again.